The sustainable, flexible and accessible living revolution

CustHome is the answer to the needs of an evolving world, offering sustainable, flexible and accessible housing, ready to revolutionise the way of living.

The CustHome project stems from the realisation that modern living is often of an emergency nature: more and more people need access to housing and/or change their homes very often.

To cope with this now chronic need, it is necessary to identify a new paradigm of modern living that is adaptable and comfortable. In fact, simplicity, speed of construction and use, high environmental performance and comfort, as well as strong adaptability to different environments and climatic zones are required to enable rapid and qualitative interventions.

On these assumptions, the CustHome project was born from the design idea of architect Federico Fiume and thanks to the technical expertise of Brancher Legnami.

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Edward Jacobs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt…

Madison Ortiz

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt…

Samantha Carter

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